Hilliary Farms, Inc.

Hilliary Farms has been a commercial cow-calf producer in Oklahoma for over 50 years. During that time Angus cross-bred cows have been developed that produce high quality calves in Southwest Oklahoma's difficult climate. By using high performance bulls we provide stocker operations with top-quality feeder calves and feedyards with calves with excellent feeding performance and value.
Strict disciplines have been implemented in the selection and development of cows, bulls, and heifers. Similar efforts also go into improving the pastures and forage quality. Intensive grazing systems and forage management are used to providing cattle with high quality forage.

As we look at ways to increase the value of our calves, we are seeing a trend toward premiums being paid for a wide variety of USDA Process Verified Programs. Some of the premium programs are:

Cattle that are Non-Hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC).
Cattle not treated with therapeutic antibiotics.
Cattle not treated for coccidiosis, a parasitic disease of the intestinal tract of animals.
Cattle not fed genetically modified feed.
Cattle that have not been fed any animal byproducts from birth to harvest (including fish oil and yellow grease).
Cattle not fed ionophores.
Cattle that have genetic markers for carcass traits such as tenderness.

Most of these programs are currently small niches in the cattle industry and may not be significant for years to come. However, we are convinced that cow-calf operators, stocker, and feeding operators will be able to generate more than commodity and standard grid prices for their calves if they have accurate and reliable information and data on each calf marketed.

While records on individual calves may not be of value to some of our customers today, we are convinced that individual data will be important in the future.We have a comprehensive program for herd health, focusing on prevention rather than treatment, which is the most economical way to reduce the loss caused by disease. 

Our programs are integrated with a vaccination and management system to prevent disease. Purchasing and quarantine procedures have also been applied to decrease the possibility of disease into the existing herd. Nutrition, management, housing, and facilities programs have been applied for disease resistance at all times

In short, we provide the finest, purest beef to our clients in the market with the deep understanding of what is needed to produce high quality beef cattle by implementing the natural environment and maintaining outstanding management.
